@amerpie Thank you - and now incorporated into my MicroBlog Blogroll.

@warner Thank you - not so much looking for people to follow - as directories of OPML/XML Blogrolls that I can add to my blogroll.

The idea is to add as many people from MicroBlog into the directory so that anyone can pull and use and if they want - and then edit down to who they really want to follow. (My logic being that I would rather have a list that I can cull - than manually building up one by one)

๐Ÿ–‡๏ธ The list I have so far Is only 36 - so I KNOW there are a LOT more - I just donโ€™t want to manually add them all ... ๐Ÿ˜ณ

That said, happy to if someone pings me their feed.


Of course - for this to work people have to be able to access only the Micro Blog OPML - without the other blogrolls I have in MicroBlog. Currently cluttering up the download.

For example, when you follow my 'recommends' list - it takes you to a rollup (I guess a 'roll' up makes sense in some ways for a 'Blogroll' - but no less frustrating - of 137 'recommendations'.

Another 'problem' / design issue ^^^ that ^^^ link breaks - so you have to go here and then download as far as I can see.

I have highlighted the issue to @manton