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Posts in: MicroBlog Vember

Being poor means that you don’t typically get to mix with rich people.

BOOYA … another MicroBlogVember double!

I am secure in the knowledge that keeping my own company works for me … how do others feel about it?

Unknown - at least as of this MicroBlogVember.

I don’t work for any company but that doesn’t make me any less secure about my future … is kind of MicroBlogVember thinking - but next month it won’t change.

đŸŽ” Rattle and Hum is a much overrated album by U2 - definitely not one of their best. In fact every time I listen to it I feel - well - woebegone.

Boom - a double - double word entry to celebrate MicroBlogVember !

Quick Question 

Can you hum the tune from the PBS Series Lake Woebegone?

Sure - but that isn’t how you spell ‘Wobegon’ !

This line brought to you courtesy of two MicroBlogVember entries 😊 đŸŽ”

Hollow words are never good. And saying them into a hollow container to cause the echo so you hear them twice or more doesn’t make them better.

Coincidentally the first day of MicroBlogVember happened to be ‘All Hallows Day’ - but that is unrelated and simply a near coincidence of spelling.

It’s not the second - it’s the 20th MicroBlogVember Post

Only one MicroBlogVember word so far today is that me checking at the proper time or has @macgenie decided to abate the flow a tad?

‘Superb’, such an odd spelling - it almost seems like it should have a little red line under it ….

Of course ‘build’ - pronounced ‘billed’ is equally odd, but in a different way.

The MicroBlogVember challenge continues.

Superb - I seem to be nailing two words every other day as I build my MicroBlogVember challenge.